Scholarship Requirements

1. Eligibility

  • AFS members with 3 years of consecutive membership and their direct dependents (IRS) only.
  • 3 year consecutive AFS membership is required of the sponsor.
  • Corporate members may sponsor one (1) applicant (member or non member) per year.
  • Sponsoring member must be a U.S. citizen and reside within the Texas Chapter regional area.

2.  Applications

  • Applications shall be sent to the Education Committee Chairman.
  • Applications must be received by March 15th of each year.
  • Applications must be typed or written on the designated form or submitted online via the website.
  • The mailing address for applications will be included in each AFS meeting notice.
  • All eligible applicants shall be considered on an individual basis, without regard to age, race, national origin or gender.
  • Please include any additional information that would improve your application’s prospect of being selected. Examples of supporting information are academic standing, G.P.A., academic honors, extra curricular activities, community service, etc.

3. Selection

  • The selection of eligible applicants shall be the responsibility of the Texas AFS Education Committee.
  • The number of scholarships and dollar amounts is at the discretion of the Education Committee within the guidelines of the fund structure.

4. Distribution of funds

  • Distribution of available funds shall be on a yearly basis in the name of the recipient to designated colleges and/or universities.
  • Funding shall be paid for school related expenses and remaining funds shall be distributed at the end of the scholarship period to recipients in good standing.
  • Failure by the recipient to remain in good standing shall cause the remaining fund balance to be revoked.
  • Revoked funds shall be returned to the scholarship endowment.