Educational Assistance Program
Revised 12-31-2019

The Texas Chapter American Foundry Society “TCAFS” Scholarship was created, in part, through the efforts of Mr. Bill Riley (Oil City Iron Works) to provide a membership benefit. TCAFS members, their dependents, and the member’s grandchildren may apply for educational assistance. Pending availability of funds, the goal of the TCAFS is to present scholarships in the amount of up to $1,000.00 per semester on a yearly basis. The award is not limited to an education in the field of cast metals. Please see the general information/requirements below and on the application itself.
All eligible applicants shall be considered on an individual basis, without regard to age, race, national origin or gender. Please include any additional information that would improve the prospects of your application being selected. Examples of supporting information are: academic standing, G.P.A., academic honors, extracurricular activities, community service, etc. Applications shall be completed and e-mailed to the TCAFS Scholarship Coordinator.
The selection of and recommendation to the TCAFS Board of Directors of eligible applicants shall be the responsibility of the TCAFS Education Committee. The final approval of eligible applicants to receive or not to receive an award will be by vote of the TCAFS Board of Directors. The number and dollar amounts of scholarships are at the suggestion of the TCAFS Education Committee and at the discretion of the TCAFS Board of Directors within the guidelines of the fund structure.
Distribution of Funds
Distribution of available funds shall be on a yearly basis in the name of the recipient to the recipient’s designated college and/or university. Funding shall be used for the payment of school related expenses and remaining funds shall be distributed at the end of the scholarship period to recipients in good standing. Failure by the recipient to remain in good standing shall cause the remaining fund balance to be revoked. Revoked funds shall be returned to the Texas Chapter AFS Scholarship Fund.
General Information & Applicant Requirements
- Applicant must be:
- A member of TCAFS in good standing with three (3) consecutive years of membership.
- A direct dependent (IRS only) of a TCAFS member in good standing with three (3) consecutive years of membership.
- A grandchild of a TCAFS member in good standing with three (3) consecutive years of membership
- Applicant must obtain sponsorship from a non-related TCAFS member in good standing with three (3) consecutive years of membership.
- Corporate members may sponsor one (1) applicant per year.
- Sponsoring member must be a U.S. citizen and reside within the TCAFS regional area.
- Applicant must submit their career objective statement (250-500 words)
- Applicant must submit their current degree outline or summary
- Scholarships are to be awarded on an annual basis with equal disbursements being made in both the fall and spring semesters. Students may reapply each year.
- Applicants for the TCAFS scholarship must satisfy all aspects of the application process. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. The application process includes receipt of the following:
- Completed application form
- Brief summary of your life, goals, and vocational pursuits
- Letter of recommendation from a current member of the TCAFS in good standing. (This may be mailed separately from application, but must be received by the application deadline.)
- Completed first time application packages, for the coming academic year, must be submitted to the Scholarship Coordinator and received no later than June 30 for Fall disbursement, and January 30 for Spring disbursement.
- All applicants shall be Texas, Oklahoma and/or Louisiana residents (three (3) years immediately preceding initial application).
- Preference for scholarship awards will be given to full-time students (as determined by the appropriate college) pursuing a Bachelors degree or a Masters degree. Applicants who are at least half-time students may receive consideration for an award which will be adjusted according to their course load.
- Applicants must maintain a 2.75 or better cumulative GPA in order to be considered.
- Scholarship recipients are strongly encouraged to attend ONE Texas Chapter AFS meeting during the proceeding calendar year. (Meeting details available on the web-site). In lieu of attendance, a written Letter of Appreciation shall be submitted to the Scholarship Coordinator to be read at a Texas Chapter AFS meeting. Note: Failure to comply will be considered a dis-qualifying factor during any Application for Renewal process.”
- In order for a student to be considered for additional scholarship awards, the student must submit, to the TCAFS Scholarship Coordinator, a follow up letter requesting additional scholarship funding, at the completion of the most recent semester. This letter is to include a complete status update: career objective, degree plan, GPA, etc. In addition, a copy of an official transcript verifying the students 2.75 or better cumulative GPA must accompany said letter.
- Applications to renew a scholarship for two more concurrent semesters shall be considered on a case-by-case basis, pending available funds, and must be received no later than June 30 for Fall Disbursement, and January 30 for Spring disbursement.
Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the Texas Chapter AFS Board of Directors